Welcome to the cheetah page "The fastest cat in the world" please enjoy! This site is dedicated to the Cheetah. The cheetah is yet, one of a number of cats that is endangered. Preservation, protection, and an understanding will help the cheetah survive in today's world. cheetah facts:
Cheetah Range: Please view the map -Darker areas note higher density, black dots define protected areas- Saving the Cheetah There are ways we can save the Cheetah. Through interaction and flow of information between ranchers and animal rehabilitators. This would involve, trapping problem cheetah's and transporting them to sanctuaries or new animal reserves. An example would include AfriCat headed by Lise Hanssen. Their primary job is to retrieve Cheetahs that have been trapped in cages set up by ranchers. Ranchers usually call AfriCat to let them now that a cat has been trapped in one of their cages. Cats are then tranquilized and transported to a safe facility where they are given a medical examination. As soon as everything looks good the cat is taken to a ranch for a 6 week quarantine. The cat is then released into a reserve for reintroduction into thee large-carnivore reintroduction program. That's why ranchers play a important part in the preservation of the Cheetah. If we can get the ranchers to help us to preserve this beautiful animal then we are one step closer to preserving the Cheetah. Some photo's of this incredible cat: links to other pages: The cheetah, lion, and leopard farm Conserve big cats of africa(AfriCat) |
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